Photo Gallery

Splicing 1/2” from an Ampex ATR

With The Gooms

Studio B with Joe Chiccarelli

Maureen Toth bass overdubs with David Sutton.

Tracking the Ryan Shaw trio at Peter Erskin’s studio

Focused at Barefoot Studios :)

Jon Brion’s EMI console used during Kanye West session

Bright Eyes: Cassadaga Sessions. Mike Mogis, Conor Oberst and Nate Walcott

Elvis Costello: adding some heat to Lucinda Williams record. | Blessed Session

playback with Pacific at Kingsize North

A great front end! | “From the Basement” Sessions. Produced by Nigel Godrich. Tracking Queens of the Stone Age, The Raconteurs, The Fleet Foxes and The Kills

Beck and David Campbell going over arrangments.

James Gadson. enough said.

Jimmy Eat World “Invented” sting date. Arranger David Campbell on the podium.

20+ time Grammy Award winning Mixer and Engineer, Lifelong Dodger fan and sweetheart, Al Schmitt

The Capitol Studios hallway with Brian Kehew and Andy Zax. Rod Stewart Sessions

“The Definitive” sessions. decorations for inspiration

Snoop Dogg microphone case

Brently Session w/ Don Smith (dad), Davey Farager, and Denny Seiwell.

Lumiis Sessions with Billy Newsome

Hangin with Kaz and Charlie Drayton at Sound City.


Beautiful Inlay

the patchbay. “From the Basement” Capitol Studios B

Beck and Charlotte Gainsbourg | “IRM” string session Capitol Studio B

At the board with Josh during Le Switch sessions at Kingsize Soundlabs

Multiple decks working OT

David Campbell and Jim Adkins

Mike Elizando and Joe Chiccarelli | Gin Wigmore sessions with Ryan Adams band the Cardinals

Capitol Studios | Strings in A Brass in B. The wall between opened for one large room.

Big Band setup in Capitol Studios A